Every computer which is connected to the internet has the possibility of being attacked by virus or spy ware or by hackers. People also face many other internet threats such as phishing, worm and internet scams. A virus attacks your computer when you visit certain malicious websites or when you download any infected files. There […]
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Posts tagged with 'virus attack'
What Is A Macro Virus And How To Remove It
Macro Virus is a type of mini-program that can easily infect a particular computer system. Macro virus runs inside another program. Macro virus possesses immense ability to spread in a swift manner thus infecting popular applications used for everyday computing purposes.
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Is online banking really safe from virus attacks?
Most people are confused at the thought whether online banking is safe from virus attacks. The fact remains that online banking is never safe from virus attacks. Online banking is never a safe option as it may cause virus threats in the form of Ransonware Trojan. Ransonware Trojan hampers the security structure of a personal […]
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Computer Repair when Viruses Attack
When you own a computer device you must be already aware of the fact that viruses are always there ready to attack your system and when this thing happens you will want to have a computer repair done as son as possible. These viruses happen in all sorts of forms and depths and intensities. It […]
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How to backup your data in case your system is under virus attack
Virus attack on the systems has become quite common nowadays. One of the most worrying aspect is as finer does the anti virus system gets, so does the virus. Virus attacks on the system, thus, have become part and parcel and it is on our part to take care of it from time to time. […]
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Major Computer virus attack the world has seen so far
There is a bad side of every good thing and this stands true for computers as well. When computers are advancing in every field these days, virus attacks have become even more common. On one side creative minds develops a new technology each day, and on the other side notorious minds are busy in creating […]
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How popup blocker helps your system to stay away from viruses?
The pop-ups that generally creep into your system when you establish an internet connection seems very tempting because of the banners and ads, but these can be an attempt to get unauthorized access into your system. Sometime the pop-ups warn you of a virus attack or provide some other warnings or when you visit a […]
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Role of firewall as business network guard
If you are a regular internet user, you need to be very cautious about the web pages and the websites you visit. There are so many unknown online threats. Your computer may be affected by viruses which are nothing but programs which will affect your computer. There are many kinds of viruses like Trojan and […]
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What is system registry and how virus attacks the system registry
Windows Operating system is a very complex software program that performs innumerable operations behind the scene so that your programs get installed on your computer and run smoothly. Quite unknown to most of ordinary users, Windows operating system needs to consider hundreds of things so that the programs you run behave predictably.
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Worst damage a virus can cause to your system
Virus is the worst enemy of a system that can cause multiple damages to it and sometime may prove fatal for the entire system. If you don’t take care of the issue properly it is quite possible that you have to spend a lot of money to get a new one, which seems impossible sometime. […]
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What are temp files and how virus attacks the system using it?
Temporary files take a lot of unnecessary computer space. It is required to take care of the temporary files in order to ensure that the computer operates in an efficient manner. Temporary file can be created due to a number of reasons. The speed of a computer system can considerably slow down if there are […]
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How to keep your system free of virus attacks
Internet has become an integral part of our life as we make use of it for numerous purposes. It really hampers our workflow or other tasks if the computer suffers from virus attacks. We must know how to defend our system against different kinds of online attacks. As the technology is progressing, the malice-makers and […]
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How Popup bring virus into your system
When you surf the internet, have you seen or experienced pop-ups that bring messages? If yes, then be alert, as this can be a virus attack as well. If you are unaware of such virus, then you should keep your eyes on such pop-ups. Majority of the time pop-ups bring spyware to your system, by […]
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Exploring the types and functions of organizational firewall
When you get a new computer system, you must always plan for its security also. Every computer which is connected to the internet or the World Wide Web is prone to the virus attacks. Any programme which does not allow the computer to work effectively is called the computer virus. There are many types if […]
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How do you prevent a potential virus attack
A virus attack is something for which you should be prepared all the time, as these are becoming as common as new technological developments. Instead of waiting for those malicious codes and software programs to enter your system and corrupt your files, you should take some precautions to stay away from virus attacks. This is […]
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About virus threats and how to prevent them from attacking?
The list of viruses keeps on growing and a new virus is added to it regularly, making it important to keep an eye on the list of latest viruses to find out ways to shield the system from their attack. It is good to be on the safe side when it comes to virus attacks, […]
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Top 5 Sources of Computer Virus Attack
The most potent and vulnerable threat of computer users is virus attacks. Virus attacks hampers important work involved with data and documents. It is imperative for every computer user to be aware about the software and programs that can help to protect the personal computers from attacks. One must take every possible measure in order […]
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How virus attacks your system through e-mail?
Internet and computers are now a part of our daily routine life. Rarely can you see people who do not use internet. Anything and everything has to be done online. Planning your travel, making bill payments, reading news are all done easily with the help of Internet and computers. With all these technological improvement, there […]
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How to Recover a System Data after Virus Attack
There is least doubt about the fact that personal computer viruses are a common type of nuisance occurring until date. Virus attacks are extremely annoying and cause a message to flash on specific computer systems. It is not a difficult task to prevent virus attacks. It is necessary to have a trusted up-to-date antivirus in […]
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How to protect your mobile phone from virus attack?
If you are still coping with threats to your system, then be ready to do the same with your mobile phone, especially the high-end ones that are enabled with internet. Mobile phones are now more vulnerable to virus attacks and the risk has increased manifold in the last few years. With mobile phones without IMEI […]
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