When you get a new computer system, you must always plan for its security also. Every computer which is connected to the internet or the World Wide Web is prone to the virus attacks. Any programme which does not allow the computer to work effectively is called the computer virus. There are many types if virus which will have different effects on the computer.
Certain virus will erase your data or slow down your system or damage the hard drives. So it is advisable to keep your computer with a antivirus tool. This can save your system to a certain extent. To keep a much secured computer system it is better to use the firewall security software. They are considered to be more virus resistant software. This concept of firewall technology was found in the 1980s.
Organisational firewall is very much necessary:
A firewall is basically a network access control. They keep a check on the network traffic in which your computer operates. Usually they are very useful to keep your database free from any illegal access. It may not be useful for any individual users, but it is a basic necessity for any big organisation with a huge database. Any company will not permit access to its database to a third party. All the files and data are very confidential. Any internet and intranet networks should have the firewall security.
Various kinds of organisational Firewall:
- Packet filtering
- Proxies
- Combined firewall
- Circuit gateway
Packet Filtering is a type of firewall where the firewall protects by filtering the information in packets. They can be either hardware or software kind of firewall. A proxy firewall examines the connections at the application level and not in a broader aspect. Combined Firewall is the combination of packet filtering and proxies. They keep a check on networks in the broader level and also examine the packet information.
As these firewall gives multiple level of protection, they can be quite expensive than the other types of firewall. The circuit gateway firewall works at the transport protocol level. In this, the firewall checks authorises the connection by checking the IP addresses. If the IP address is valid, then the connection will be allowed with your computer system.
Firewall Uses:
- It restricts and manages traffic according to the user specifications
- Blocks the view of any unnecessary websites
- Restricts access according to the needs of the organisation
- Keeps a check on the incoming and outgoing traffic
- Gives you a proper report on the network traffic as and when required
Make optimum use of a corporate firewall:
Keeping a check on the incoming and outgoing traffic of the organisation network will keep the administrators informed about the network usage of their employees. They can easily detect if any of the employees try to enter into the restricted database or any improper website. Firewall security are directly and indirectly supporting for the organisational efficiency.