Macro Virus is a type of mini-program that can easily infect a particular computer system. Macro virus runs inside another program. Macro virus possesses immense ability to spread in a swift manner thus infecting popular applications used for everyday computing purposes. There can be least doubt about the fact that Macro virus is possibly the chief problem that is necessary to eliminate without the least delay. Such viruses are extremely annoying and are less harmful as compared to some of the other forms of viruses. A system infected with Macro virus exhibits many annoying messages and pop up displays. Computers get affected with Macro virus when one attempts to open a Microsoft Office document suite.
Macro Virus Poses Security Threats
One needs to realize the fact that Macro virus poses a serious threat to security issues. Macro Virus is considered to be extremely unsafe due to the below mentioned facts.
- Marco Virus is Responsible for Spreading Fake Security Messages
- Macro Virus Poses a Real Threat to Security
- Violates the Terms of Policy
- Installs Additional Spyware
- Trojans is responsible for Spreading Micro Virus
Every possible step needs to be taken to eliminate Micro Virus as it may repair files and ensure automatic updates as well. It is possible to detect easily whether a PC is infected with Macro virus. A computer system infected with Macro virus displays maddening pop-ups and changed icons as well.
Ensure Removal of Macro Virus
It is possible to remove Macro virus manually as well as automatically. In order to delete Macro virus manually it is necessary to press “Alt”, “Ctrl” and “delete”. Secondly, it is necessary to click on “Task Manager” and “Processes”. Thirdly, it is required to terminate every process related to Macro virus. Next one must click on “Start” button and then click on “Search Programs and Files” button. After searching the files, it is compulsory to delete the files associated with the Macro virus. If one desires to remove a Macro virus robotically, it is necessary to download an appropriate anti-virus program. One can always consider to download antivirus programs namely Sophos and Windows Defender.
Eliminate Future Virus Attacks
It is always recommended to update the specific antivirus program to eliminate further chances of virus attacks. Performing a full scan is always desirable as it scans the entire computer system compared to a quick scan that scans only specific areas. It is possible to remove Macro virus by performing the above-mentioned steps. Every computer user must take every possible step to remove Macro virus.
Macro viruses are strongly discouraged as they change internet settings, decrease computer memory and alter desktop settings as well. It is necessary to take into account a few important factors if one hopes to prevent the occurrence of macro virus in the system. Every computer user must learn the art as how to disable macros in office programs. Holding the Shift key while opening a file ensures that auto macros does not run automatically and thus helps to prevent Macro virus infection. The process of Macro virus removal differs depending on the type of operating system.