You turn on your pc every day to copy some files, browse the internet or check your emails. You think of your computer skills as a second nature and don’t bother to dig deeper since “regular people know enough to do what they need”.
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Posts tagged with 'password'
Two-Step Verification Is Here. No One Can Hack Into Your Online Accounts Now
Not all technology generates as much frenzied interest as smartphones. Take two-factor authentication, for instance. This technology has been around, promising nearly foolproof security to holders of online accounts for several years now. Yet, most people have never heard of it. This has been a big year for it, though.
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Three Techniques Used by Hackers to Break into Accounts
Due to the increasing integration between consumers’ financial lives and online technology, the subject of hacking has never been more important than it is today. Although the word has now entered our common jargon, hacking remains a mystery to most. In our culture hacking is revered as a difficult process reserved only for tech-savvy geniuses, […]
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Being Hacked is a Bad Thing. But Not Taking Control After Is Worse
A list of the major tech companies that have fallen to hackers in recent times reads like a Who’s Who – Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Evernote and so on. Hackers go after the passwords placed with these large Internet companies for a reason – they wish to use them to hack into those subscribers’ accounts. When […]
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How to Protect Your Computer Network
Each and every day there are always new viruses that come out targeting your computer. Computer hackers are constantly searching for ways to infiltrate through the system and cause trouble. Here are some ways to provide protection for your computer network.
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How to : Recovering a Hacked Facebook Account
Facebook, as you well know, is the largest social network in the world. Hackers have been targeting Facebook for years. They can get several things done by hacking a Facebook user account: free advertisement of illegal products, building a list of email addresses of potential customers, attacking individuals through spyware and malware, etc. In this […]
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VPNs and Security
VPNs and You On today’s Internet, security is a major concern. From wanting to protect financial transactions to simply wishing to browse without every site you visit being scrutinized, there are a lot of reasons to wish for privacy and protection. One of the simplest, yet all-around strongest ways in which to protect your Internet […]
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Making Security A Priority On Facebook
Facebook is vastly recognized as the largest and most powerful social media platform in the world. With a billion users worldwide, this social media giant presents a bundle of opportunities for its users. Whether it be the individual looking to stay in contact with their family and friends, the small organization looking to promote an […]
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Keeping Your Computer Secure on the Go
In the volatile digital world that we live in today, computer security is not only a convenience, it is a necessity. Wireless networks have made Internet connection much less restricting, but in turn, they have opened computers up to new potential threats. A wireless network set up in your home has the advantage of being […]
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What is Keylogger Software?
Keyloggers are programs which record each keystroke on the computer they are installed on. This provides a complete log of text entered such as passwords, emails sent and websites visited.
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5 Tips for Improving IT Security in Your Company
As your business grows, so does the threat of security breaches compromising your company’s IT systems. For any business, large or small, IT security should always be placed at the forefront of importance. For many businesses, an IT security breach can practically shut a company down for a period of time, sometimes costing millions in […]
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Setup a secure environment with Windows 7
Creating a secure networking environment in Windows 7 is pretty easy. At least it is easy as far as setting up a network goes. In the past it used to be very difficult to set up a home network. You needed average people to have to do the work of network administrators to get things […]
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How to encrypt ZIP, PDF and MS office files
Zip, PDF and MS office files are being used widely for archiving and data compression. Zip files can contain more than one flies and this format permits a multiple numbers of solidity algorithm. PDF on the other hand is file format of open standard, which is being used to exchange files. PDF filers work effectively […]
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How to make sure your online payments are done securely
Frauds during online payments are a common occurrence in modern days. According to a recent survey, millions of dollars are defrauded each year. Online frauds can be difficult to trace if appropriate security measures are missing. Online payments are fast gaining in acceptance due to speedy processing of credit cards, immediate access of payment portal, […]
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How Do I Know If There Is A Trojan Horse In My System
Trojan horse or Trojan virus is malicious software that often affects remote computers in different ways. Due to the attack of this virus, a system may loss all important files and documents. As this virus can be legitimate file from an authorized source, a user often gets bound to open or download those files. However, […]
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