VIPRE Antivirus is designed in a great way with well combined antivirus features. It incorporates both antivirus and antispyware features and protects from Trojans, rootkits keyloggers, worms, malwares, dialers, malicious scripts and adwares among other threats to a PC. It has been certified as an effective antivirus by the West Coast Labs as an effective […]
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Posts tagged with 'Malwares'
PC Tools AntiVirus
Enhanced protection, scanning as well as detection is the main selling point of the PC Tools AntiVirus. With latest sliding signatures, this antivirus is capable of catering for various threats in an efficient manner. It is also equipped with advanced features of virus scan along with removal of the viruses, which attack the boot sector […]
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Top 10 Malwares that could cause a considerable damage to you system data
Malware infect nearly ninety percent of computers in modern days. There is no denying the fact that malware can adversely affect computer program files as well as other documents. This specific malware can pose problem related to junk email and pop-up adverts. Malware pose a serious threat and steal important information including bank details, credit […]
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