Want Better Security On The Internet Without The Hard Work? You Should Try DD-WRT Each year, computer hardware manufacturers align their designs more closely to the open source technologies. When a piece of hardware is open source, it’s firmware doesn’t need to come from the manufacturer. It can come from an open source firmware project.
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Posts tagged with 'hardware'
Malware,a Possible Causes of Slow Broadband Internet Connection
Top 10 Possible Causes of Slow Broadband Internet Connection – Is your broadband network plagued by sluggish internet connection speed? Here are the top ten possible causes of slow internet connection and some recommendations to address them.
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How to: How to Secure Your System From Cyber Attacks With No Expense
By: Tim O’Dell Any PC or laptop running Windows software can be open to cyber attack if they access the Internet. From spyware, to viruses, worms and malware, there are bewildering arrays of cyber attacks that can be used against the unwary surfer. The only way to protect your hardware from these attacks is by […]
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Repair DLL Errors on Windows Computer System
Among all the errors that can appear with your computer, DLL error is commonly known as the most annoying one and you might want to know how to do a computer repair and have this problem solved. DLL errors are indeed the most commonly met errors affecting a computer operating on Windows. These types of […]
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