When was the last time you read and understood the fine print accompanying an app you intend to download and install on your smartphone or tablet? Most people don’t read terms of use and privacy policies, let alone worry about the possibility of their personal information being sold and shared by software developers.
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Posts tagged with 'smartphone'
6 Simple Speed-Boosting Tips for Your Android Smartphone
Don’t settle for your Android smartphone’s out-of-the-box, bloatware-saddled condition. A few expert tweaks can optimize its overall performance. Here are six tips and tricks to make your phone work more efficiently and quickly all the time.
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Have The Android Malware News Reports Scared You Yet?
The smartphone press has Android security in its sights these days. Many of their stories delight in comparing Android to Windows for being a malware target. They are often hysterical about the rogue malware apps that are found on the Google Play Store and instances of Android hacking. The sensationalization is enough to make some […]
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How to Safely Use Downloaded Android Applications
The Google Play Android market is not policed by anyone from Google. This makes it somewhat of a sanctuary for those who would like to hijack Android smartphones or tablets. In the Android market it is the users who are the ones who report infected applications to the public.
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